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Ho boy. The logic of the game and the script is done. You can go through the whole thing and get the seven endings. I haven't had time to test it thoroughly, so tell me if you run into major issues.

I've implemented every asset I have done until now. The coffin part is 95% done, only two more scenes. The angel part is done too, as is the very end of the archangel ending.

There's still a lot more work to be done, but there shouldn't be any guesswork left. The game is gonna be complete without a doubt.




I've only just gone through the Uxhal scene and so far this is shaping up to be really really amazing! The new revised script has much more flair and personality to it. The attention to detail is fantastic especially with the different orc feet. And it seems there are some new animation sprites at the beginning. Loving it all so far! There does seem to be a minor problem though when you first meet with the cultist and asking her questions, the lengthier texts seem to get cut off below the screen even when I try to go into full screen. I don't if that is just a problem on my end or not.


How do I run it? I'm not that computer savvy.


Just unzip the file (win if on windows, or mac if on apple) and run the exe file.


Thanks for the feedback. I hope to add a lot more flair until it's over. I know about the cultist dialogue, I'll fix it in the next update. It slipped through this time.