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Jogging her way around Venus with her brand new insole.

All this moving and internetless-ness has put a damper on my output. I'm sorry. I wanted to have the pictures from the collage done by now, but no internet means no grammarly, and I think you know I need to check that stuff. By all accounts it should be up within the week, so still within the month

Anyway, hope you like this one.



Jackie Estacado

Very cute victim ^_^ Can really feel her desperation and helplessness. I gotta ask though: since we're not on deviantART, why not draw her pussy and nipples? Looks a bit "unfinished" as a result. Good luck!


Hmmm... It didn't occur to me to think of it that way. I guess it tells you how much I'm focused on feet when I neglect those parts.