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...and not much else. I don't know, this one, didn't really come out the way I wanted it. Maybe I'm spending too much time on these animations that take up such a small size of the game. I'll try to get more content out in the future. 

Here are the distributables. The pc one should be winx64 and the win one should be winx84.




I think these animations are fantastic! Don't feel you need to rush through this. I'd love for you to take your time so you can get it just how you want it to be

Batty Farfat

your doing such a great job with these. very creative and a nice service to your followers. thank you. I like to ask you a question and if you can help me out ? which animation app are you using?

Batty Farfat

I would like to one day put something like this out. if I can learn how successfully.


Look, if I could do it, most likely everyone can. I've not attended a single drawing class and don't know anything about programming, but, with internet resources and modern programs, it's become relatively easy to make a game, especially one so simple.


Thank you! Currently, I'm using Clip Studio Paint, or Manga studio paint as it's called in Japan.