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Time for another U-turn. The game with the girls? The one I described last time? On the back-burner with it. It was going to take too much time to finish with my current experience in making games. I spent five days designing their house, at which point, my very level-headed wife asked - who is interested in the interior design of a house in a porn game?

Right, so that one on the shelf goes. This one is going to be short, very short. But it'll be done. I promise you that. Just a quick romp through the Temple of Feet and the Crypt of Tickle-torture. Right after the point at which this script ends is the branching point were you'll get to choose a primarily tickling adventure or a primarily foot oriented adventure. The main mechanism will be multiple choices with plenty of bad ends.

That's it for now. I'll try to make a working beginning of the game by the middle of next month, so you'll see what everything will look like.

I know this is a bit scattered, so if you have any questions, please ask.




Hey, that’s how it is; sometimes you gotta step back to go forward. Preview looks good, and can’t wait to see what’s next~😍


I know what you mean. The same thing happened when I was thinking up the idea for the Foot Punk comic. back and forth for months.


Oof. That orc foot. Thats amazing


I commend you for still going after making the game. I assume you don't have a lot of experience with game making? I think you made the right choice in making smaller games before you tackle on something bigger. I know whatever it is you come out with it will be so good. Foot Punk convinced me of that


Not a lick of exp I'm afraid. I remembered some good advice regarding game making or any other artistic endeavor - fail quickly. So that's just what I'm gonna do, small quick games until I get familiar with the whole thing.