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So my Patreon is currently suspended for violation of Guidelines that i reviewed and found to be nothing, i can salvage it tho, just need to respond to the mail, bend the knee and see if that works.

So far i had to delete just a couple of post, one really old and one recent, that one being the Marco drawings from October. I dont like it, i dont agree with the argument given, but i have no choice if i wanna protect my livelihood.

I still have a back up on Fanbox, has the same content as this place does, but i will only move completely there as a last choice, just letting you know.

Hope this will be resolved soon and we can continue as normal.



What about moving to subscribestar?


I dont wanna move unless im forced while kicking and screaming, starting over at this point is very hard and would be a heavy blow for me. I will consider it, but wont promise anything.