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Winner: Starfire

That back and forth between Bulma and Starfire was getting very silly, so as a tie breaker i put them on the roulette and let fate decide.

Honestly the top picks were all great for me, you guys know i love Starfire, Bulma is great for doing lots of alts with different hairstyles, plus ive been in a DBZ mood, will probably draw her next time and the one that was also following in votes, Bridget, wouldve been a nice new addition, plus Bridget was my main on my first Guilty Gear game.

Thanks you all for voting and have a great day!!!



Job Stenna

Now along with Raven it will be a matching pair! The TT's are gonna be the OO's


This might just be me getting greedy but since Starfire and Blackfire are essentially color swaps do you think we can get a Blackfire alt?