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First thing will be deciding which rave our character will be. Like i explained in the previous post, you will be suggesting, with a reference if necesary (link to an image), a race for our character. 

-Said race can be from real life, fantasy, sci-fi or fiction, from any media.

-Race (Human, alien, elf, orc, demon, robot, etc.  MOSTLY HUMANOID)

After the suggestions have been placed we will choose some of them, number proportional to the ammount suggested) and ill make a poll to vote on them.  

Once we choose one we will move to the rest, so basically this also works as a trial to see if this system works.

Thats all for now, hope this works and have a nice day! :D



Let's start out with a bang Android




Gotta go with an elf. Maybe a *wink wink nudge nudge* WOOD elf?