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So i have this idea for a fun project i wanna do with you guys.

The project is: Create a character.

So whow this would go is by using polls kinda like sliders on a character creation game, you guys vote on things like breast size (small, medium, big, huge, etc.), height, body type, hair length, among other things, long story short the base body; of course we have to really think about our votes so we dont end with a mounstrosity.

Second tier Patrons would choose things like hairstyles, face and body features, clothing, or even the species of the character (alien, elf, goblin, etc). We'll name her of course, and she would be kinda like out pet.

I still need to work on the details on this so we dont end on a shit show or a Bloodborne-esque  monster.

But before that, i wanna know what you guys think of this, would yo be interested in this proyect? Just to be clear, if you are it would take the place of one of the monthly pictures, not the raffle tho.

Discuss it in the comments, be civil about it, and ill await your answer :D



Huge tits or no tits!


That sounds intriguing. It gets to the community involved in terms of sharing interests together to achieve one goal.


Sounds like an interesting way to get a several dozens of patrons to help you design an OC! Would it just be you fielding the questions? or are we going to throw ideas/ names at you, you narrow the selection, and then we vote?


Yeah, this would be OUR OC, since we all made it, and we could use her on future stuff. Yeah for second tier Patrons i would like to have an open discussion of your ideas, narrow it down to, i dunno 6 choices, then you guys vote for the one you like the most. For example hairstyle, everyone gives their own ideas, we all check them, talk about them in terms of fitting the character and what you want for her, and we selct 6 of them, i make the poll and we vote :D


Down af sounds awesome. Im excited for the outcome simply because science