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Cant believe it took me until now to draw Chun Li, and yeah i took it as a chance to do Juri Han as well because i was in the mood, and because i thought Juri mocking Chun Li for her "obscene" looking body even tho she's in her 50's would be fun.

I grew up with KoF since we didnt have many Street Fighter arcades here, but theres no denying Chun Li will always be the queen of fighting games, i even have a special edition of the bishoujo battle dress figure of her that i got in Japan. I wish i had that super big statue of her thats like 1/4 scale, with the Apha costume of course, but its super expensive.

Hope you guys like this and have a wonderful day!!!

Stay safe, wear a mask, wash your hands and drink lots of water.




You seriously never drew Chunners before?!? 😳


Look so perfect!!!