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Winner: Tali

I forgot to post the results yesterday night, sorry about that.

When i played Mass Effect back in the day, Tali was my first choice as a romantic partner, i really liked her. I already have an idea and a pose for her, her designs are going to be a challenge but ive always liked the designs, so it should be interesting.

Thanks you all for voting and have a great weekend!!! :D




Wooo, Love Talía, most people’s number 1 choice from way back when. Can’t wait to see how she works out cap.


Oh well, I was hoping Kana would've got at least over 10, but she's pretty niche, despite that brief moment of sudden popularity. At least i know who I'll pick for a commission.


YES!!! My suggestion finally won, so glad it was Tali, can't freaking wait.

Job Stenna

I love her too, she would have been who I’d nominate if someone hadn’t beaten me. I think if there where ever a poll for plant girls, she’d take the win... oh wait, Ivy... well she’s still has an amazing set of tits.


Really though, I'd totally commission for Kana. Caps style would be great with her.

Job Stenna

Congrats man! Even though you might have saddled the winning horse, we all share the prize ;)