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Been thinking on this for a while and seeing how everything as been working here since i started on Patreon, so ive been thinking on how to spice things up now that we started a new decade.

Dont worry its nothing big or serious, the ammount of work wont change at all as well as the rewards will stay the same, so you guys are safe.

 The change i speak of is how to handle things like polls and commissions, some tweaks on the rules on them and the monthly commissions.

So as you know i make use of themes for the polls, in order to keep things fresh for you and me, and i try to also push for new characters so we dont fall into monotony, Thats why i sometimes do polls that are more specific than others, like from a specific medium or even series, so new characters get a chance to win, since sometimes there are some i call "Poll killers", characters who make it hard for others to win due to their popularity.

However after many years of doing these, it gets harder and harder to think on themes, coupled with some characters being repeated constantly, . 

As you have seen in some polls last year, ive done some polls where i curated the list of characters for it, you guys have responded positively to these polls, which made me happy, and ive been thinking on doing those more frequently starting this year. Of course it wont be one each month, but it will be more than last year. Ill give a heads up to when i plan to do so.  The character picks would be my own and who knows, maybe ill do one with OC's i pick in the future, its all in the air now.

The reason why im thinking on doing these are to add more variety to the characters i can draw, and to be honest i dont often have the chance to work on something personal and i dont want to ignore my own wants. I feel like we all have to spoil ourselves a little bit from time to time, and i feel like i need to do this for my own mental health.

Also ive been thinking on doing "Puffy" themed polls more often as well, since its a series i really like working on, i dont want it to die out, grown to attached to it and i know you guys want several characters to be part of it, so they will appear more often as well.

As for commissions for the second tier supporters, this rule im going to apply its not resctrictive at all, but in fact will give you more liberty and will streamline better the process of the monthly commission. The new rule will be:

-Instead of just 1 character, the commissioner will have to give me 3 characters as OPTIONS to go with their idea, keyword here Options.

That way we can work on something that would make both of us happy. Just remember to please stick to the rules of what i do and dont draw and the template i always put there.

And thats it, nothing scary right? Ive been going through this on my head and i think this is the best time to air it out. What do you guys think? I would love some feedback on it.

Thank you for your attention and have a great weekend!!!



Sound like a good idea to me

Job Stenna

You had me at more Puffy! But seriously this great, one thing I could suggest is to announce the next two commission winners ahead of time, (winners for Month A, B and C). This would give the commissioner more time to be aware of being picked, and less time lost when someone is a no-show cause you can then simply move up next months winner for the current month.


Everyone in that Tier will get a commission eventually, select each month one from the people in there and keep track of who already got one.


I dont like people waiting so i wont choose several people in one go, since the last one will have to wait quite a while and i dont feel comfortable keeping them hanging like that.