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A bit of a self-reflection:

It's weird to say or write 2020, it feels some futuristic, i still have to process it's already here. 2019 was a year that had a special meaning for me as an artist, it was a year where i tried my best to improve on each work, even if a little. Took more risks, tried new tools, learned new techniques, among other things. It's a constant fear of me to go stagnant, so i try to shake the waters as much as possible, but i still feel like i can improve a lot more, im still too stiff in some places, still kinda slow, need to improve my perspective and more body types.

Still this year was incredible for me, while i didnt do something life changing like in 2018, i feel like i've been preparing for something better this whole year, maybe even the next big step of my life, whichever that one might be. 

Im thankful for my family who has always been supportive, my friends who are always there for me and love spending time with, be it online or in real life. And i wanna thank every single one of you, from those who have been there since my early days, those who have come and go through the years and the newcomers who just found about my work, your support is something that i dont have enough words to express how grateful i am for, you make me wanna push myself to be a better artist and deliver the best i can give, since you deserve the best.

These are trying times for artitst everywhere, especially for NSFW artists, from sites with very strict guidelines and regulations in others, to outright censoring or banning us because of the nature of our content. And that's whithout mentioning the dwindling methods for an artist to make some coin for their work, that's why, if i can speak for some of them for a minute, we are eternally grateful for the people who are willing to give a little bit of them to us to allow us to keep working in what we love and have a decent life. Not only that, knowing that they are going this far for us, let's us know this is worth it, that our work is being recognized and liked, and that works as a driving force for us.

I love doing these, i have a lot of fun working on stuff like this, most of the times, and i cant imagine doing something else, dont regret dropping out of Psychology. 

We are in the New Roaring 20's lads, lets make this future-looking year one were we all strip away our selves and strive to be a better version than the outdated 2019 model.

Hope you guys have a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2020!!!



Delita (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-17 18:00:33 You shouldn't regret dropping out of Psychology my friend, you've done a wonderful job of investing in yourself and letting your monumental talent and kindness flourish to the benefit of all your fans! <3
2020-01-01 17:43:41 You shouldn't regret dropping out of Psychology my friend, you've done a wonderful job of investing in yourself and letting your monumental talent and kindness flourish to the benefit of all your fans! <3

You shouldn't regret dropping out of Psychology my friend, you've done a wonderful job of investing in yourself and letting your monumental talent and kindness flourish to the benefit of all your fans! <3