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So for the next Poll im planning to curate it myself with some characters of my choosing.

I dont do this often (think last time i did it was on March), but its a nice change of pace, that i would really need in the next month since December is always extremely  hectic, so a peace of mind would be really welcome.

So i hope you guys dont ming a little indulgence on my part here, promise will do you good.

Thank you all for reading and to all that celebrate it Happy Thanksgiving and have a wonderful day everyone!!!



Happy thanksgiving jerkpants and go ahead indulge yourself.


Looking forward to it!


Happy Thanksgiving Cap, bless you for blessing us all with all your awesome works this year. 👍💯


All cool here. Happy turkey day, Cap.


Sometimes you just gotta do things that you want (even if the community has a vote on the narrowed down choices).

Hato no Kishi

You're the artist , you do you bro. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving

Job Stenna

Go for it! When you feel better working, everyone’s a winner!