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Happy MILF Day!!!

Im pretty happy how this came out, especially the legs, i feel like im getting the grasp again about muscle structure, but nevermind that lets get to Mavis.

This was heavily inspired by Sunnysundown's works, the way he does characters in super small skimpy clothes that just dont work at all, plus an embarassed expresion is like, just the best, so i had to give it a try with a matured Mavis, who gained the Milf bod many years after the movies, like many, many years after. Surprisingly phones are still the same, how about that.

As always a better version is up for download below plus an alt with a different mouth and textless versions.

Hope you guys like it and have a wonderful weekend!!! :D




Great job! Really loving the slingshot bikini on her. They make any woman incredibly sexy especially those well endowed


I just thought of something... Aren't vampires invisible when their picture is taken? 🤔


*Long whistle* Slingshot Bikini...a women's best weapon!


God damn the more I look the better it gets. Great job in that milf body. Thicc Mavis is best Mavis.


Well thats up for debate, depends on which version/story/type about vampires.


Well the phones cases could be a popular or retro thing.


Lip pucker is just so unf.