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 Theme: Western cartoon characters

So since we exceeded the ammout of choices for Patreons in-built polls im going to use an extrernal page for it, like i used to before.

BUT heres the thing, last time i did this we had more votes than Patrons in here, so the cheating was obvious, i had to scrap it and choose the character myself.

So if i see this happening again im going to be forced to do the same thing, scrap the whole thing and pick the character myself.

So lets play fair guys, 1 vote per person, i trust you guys.

Vote here: https://www.strawpoll.me/15415380

Vote for your favorite character, ill be announcing the winner in a couple of days or once i see enough votes have been casted in.

Have a great day everyone!!! :D



Well you could also do the poll here, they got poll options here, also which April and Rogue are they?


The Patreon poll option only allows 20 choices so i have to use another source. And Rogue is from Evolution, as for April it wasnt specified.