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So ive been thinking on the ammount of patrons in the 2nd tier and the monthly commissions. Mainly how much do you have to wait to get the reward.

If theres not a set limit for the ammount of supporters that tier can have, a lot of people could end up waiting too long for that commission if Patrons keep coming. 

So setting a limit would give more of a chance for everyone to get their rewards in a more manageable time, but could also prevent and even anger the Patrons who want those rewards but they cant because we have reached the limit ammount.

So what do you think guys, should i set a limit to the ammount of patrons there can be on the 2nd tier?



If you limit it, you will end up losing more money in the process. Not only that, but you have to remember when you limit it, people would lock themselves in, they won't drop that tier and the only ones that get color commissions will always be from the same people.


I think it's a good idea to at least try. If anything it might help you with your 'no reply' problem for free color and line art commissions. People tend to appreciate things more when there's less of it.


I'm with this guy. It's not like you have a $100 tier where someone might step out of it every now and then. Nobody's going to drop out of a $5 tier so it would just screw everyone else and lock in the same people for winning rewards.


Hmm, yea, I can see why it's a problem. Right now we have 114 $5 patrons. To go through the entire list once would take 114 months, which is close to a decade lol, which is just ridiculous. I say we either limit it, or drop a poll (with the permission of the $1 patrons) and replace it with a free color commission so that it's a bi-monthly thing. Honestly, it seems like its either those options or start drawing like a madman, Cap.


I pretty much draw every single day, even on the days i want to take easy. And when i take commissions on top of Patreon is whole new mess


Whatever you decide I'll go with but even with the waiting list for the commission and everything else I don't think limiting the tier is a good idea if anything (and I know people will be pissed about it but i would suggest making a third tier maybe a 10 dollar tier and move the color commission to that one and keep the lineart commission. With the 5 dollar tier


To be honest I think your underselling 5$ free commission waiting list maybe more like 20$ or 30$ then 10$ for linework I feel like that would outrage alot of people but you definitely bring the good art to the table and your consistent with it so who knows.


This is a good option, too. Guaranteed it'll piss off a few $5 peeps, but that'll happen no matter what you try to do to fix it. Just need make sure the 10 dollar has a limit from the start so that wait times are reasonable.