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Even better than the first!! 


Podcast Fandom Premium

The guy who killed himself was married to the granddaughter of one of Toranaga’s generals (Hiromatsu) - the old guy he sent to get the ship. He called her his best grandchild and Toranaga said he would make sure she didn’t die because of her husband’s actions. When the man asked for permission to perform Seppuku, he said he would end his line, which meant the baby had to go too. 😢 So, yes, when you were looking at the map and wondered if you met his granddaughter Fuji, you have. It’s her baby they took and killed.

Podcast Fandom Premium

You guys REALLY have to watch Blue Eye Samurai on Netflix.

Podcast Fandom Premium

I think Hiromatsu is also the father of Mariko’s husband because Toranaga told him he should be as intuitive as his daughter-in-law and Hiromatsu showed up when they were having dinner to call her to the meeting. I teach English in Korea and my kids and I just read a passage on samurai and how they were under daimyos (lords) like Toranaga (they actually used the word daimyo for him in episode 1.) And they would commit seppuku if they thought they did anything to dishonor their own family name or their daimyo’s. And then I had to explain seppuku to 11-yr-olds. 😬