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Lucifer 5x16 Full Length.mp4


Celia Fox

Thanks guys for another fun reaction. Just remember that the very end of season 5 which was at the time of filming was thought to be the last season and was to be a montage of where they all ended up (last pages of the script according to the writers) were scrapped so that how they all end up could be explored and we can actually see how and why they end up as they do in and at the finale of season 6. I think many of the angels were stopped by bullets but got up again and kept going in the fight sequence which was originally planned to be a huge scene but Covid regulations changed all of that. Season 6 has some real surprises but is also a love letter (not my words- the writers) to the fans who have stuck with Lucifer's story throughout all the seasons. I can't wait to share season 6 with you. The Goddess, Mom told Luci she only had enough power (juice) to transfer to the earthly plane only once, and once she and God were gone again, as Amenadiel said, they would be gone with no way back to answer that question. I LOVED season 5 and 6. I hope you will too too. There is still much fun and laughs to come but some real emotions! The Showrunners (and writers too of many episodes) Ildy Modrovich and Joe Henderson have done many great interviews on Youtube- well worth a look when and if you have time but be careful to avoid spoilers! See you in season 6!


Thank you John and Steve for all your great reactions. It's always so much fun to listen to your theories and predictions. And it always cracked me up when you cursed Jerry! This is the point where my Lucifer journey with you ends as I absolutely loathe season 6 . It's definitely the season that most divided the fandom. I know a lot of people who absolutely loved it but I know just as many who absolutely hated it. Unfortunately I fall in the second category. It completely destroyed the show for me (there was sooo much potential in the way season 5 ended and I think they completely wasted it. That's why I'm no longer in the fandom. But I really wanted to see your reactions to 5x12 (Daniel Espinoza, naked and afraid), 5x15 and 5x16 (well, the second half of season 5 in general, as it is probably my favourite). As soon as you react to another show that I like I will definitely be back (as I said, I enjoy your reactions immensely. You are probably my favourite reaction channel!) See you soon!


I am a little late since I missed your early post, so you might have already deduced this. No Angels died. Maze, Chloe and Lucifer agreed with Amenadiel that there would be no killing as the angels were family. Demons weren’t killed either because they were only “renting” already dead damned human bodies and they just returned after said body became inoperable. BTW-the demon who was beheaded was Joe Henderson, one of the show runners in a cameo roll. As it stands, No one except Gabriel can leave Mum’s universe, so it is unclear how she got the “juice” for the one time to collect God on Earth. But Heis God, so, how can there be any limitations on what He can do? I Love your reactions and discussions and am sad that there are only 10 more Lucifer episodes to go!