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Greetings, April here!
Not-so-monthly-report time, eh?
Render made using one of the wonderful scenes made by the amazing Tubie!
Be sure to check her work out <3

Kind of Special Month! but not really

I always thought that it would be funny to make something big for April month because of the name similarities, but as always, i'm a total failure when it comes to the actual delivery. So, let's see what is new!

Upcoming Contest

Do you remember about the contest that i planned to do in December\January\February\March? Yup...it's still a thing, and it will start in the 2nd half of April, i'll make a separate post about it next week, so stay tuned!
I really hope that people won't be disappointed by it and it's rewards...

Discord Server & Patreon Roles

Patreon roles are finally here! We have a separate Patreon chat now, where i'll do my absolute best to be as transparent as possible about upcoming stuff! I might need your help with testing some of the new scenes and with something that will come this summer *wink*
Feel free to tell me what changes you'd like to see for Discord server! i know that channels are all over the place, so some changes are coming soon, including new Rules clarifications to avoid certain unwanted situations.

New Scenes & Characters

First, about new scenes: i'm going to slightly change the way i post new scenes, i will post it one by one before i have enough scenes for new scene pack, that way you'll be getting something much faster and before the end of a current month! So, i'd say that you can expect new scene next week.
Now, about new characters: since i'm doing some preparations for the upcoming contest, i'm afraid that i won't have enough time to make four characters for proper Poll once again, and i'm really sorry for it. But you still can expect two characters later this month!

Somewhere in the Future

I still have plans to make single Mega folder with every available scene to keep everything in one place. As i've noticed - i've missed few scenes and never shared it before, so i definitely need to fill the gaps here. I've also finally found a way to fix the shadows bug for good, but to fix it for every scene i'll have to load each one of it and re-save it, which sounds like a perfect time for some old scenes rework! There are tons of bugs in older scenes, so i'd be happy to see it fixed and overall improved, but of course, it will unkown amount of time, so...soon(?).

Once again, Thank You so much, for everything.




Love this pic!


I'm so honored April senpai mentioned me. And I'll be happy every week from now on! 💌