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Happy New Year everyone!
It's always hard for me to come up with the right words, but...

It was a really hard and wild year for both good and bad, but bad things aside - i'm sure we still can say that lots of good things happened, right?

One year of this Patreon page have passed, and while i was not that active at times (and i'm really sorry for that!) - we managed to build a small and friendly community with lots of amazing, kind and talented people, and i'm really honored to call you all my friends! 

I'm really grateful to you, all of you, be it patron or simple passer by, for supporting me and for simply being here!
I always say that, but...i never expected to receive any kind of attention with my renders, and i still can't believe it. Without you i would be nothing, so again, thank you!
I really hope that 2023 will be much better and that it will bring us lots of good things!

Again, thank you all so much, for everything
Stay kind and wholesome




Happy New Year April


I’m grateful for all the memories we’ve created this year and the ones we’ll make in the new year. I wish you all the best for the new year!