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Greetings, April here!

This month is kind of special (well, not really, it just has similar name), so let's do something interesting this time. Weird english ahead, so bear with me!

1 ~ Scenes

First and foremost, about important stuff. I want to try something this month, i'll change "1 Week Early Access" of scenes for patreon to...simply early access. What i mean is, i want to try to release scenes publicly at the end of the month (or one week after the latest post if it will be after 24th day of month) as montly pack, not 1 week after patreon post. This way i'll keep my pixiv page more clean, so for example, instead of (preview-release-preview-release) it will be (preview-preview-preview-pack release). So, to make it short, what you'll get is an instant access to every preview scene, while public release of it will be at the end of current month as "montly pack".
As for the scene themes, i consider beach theme as finished (for now) and will move to the park theme this month! I have some ideas and wips for at least three scenes now, so i hope i won't disappoint!

2 ~ Characters

So, let's make it special part. This month i'll release two (or maybe even three? who knows) characters at the same time! I'll make a poll later with four character templates, and since we're going to get multiple characters this time - i won't limit the poll to one response only, so feel free to choose multiple options!



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