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Welcome to the debriefs of our interviews for the disability episode! Although you're getting a little sneak peek at future episodes too because we also talked to Cory about sex positive parenting and sex education for young people and so you hear us talking a bit about that in this SHWTFY episode but parenting will be the 5th and final episode of this series! 

There was a bit of a gap between recordings for sex therapy and disability, most of these were recorded mid-August (so long ago!) 

We reflect on the stuff Cory talked about around language and embodied knowledge (applies to disability and young people!). 

There's also a mention of Claire de Than, someone we were very excited about recording with but as you will have gathered, she wasn't in the disability episode and unfortunately scheduling issues just got in the way of that one happening, we go into more of that in a future SHWTFY episode...

Mia's audio is a bit echo-ey in this one, she was doing some teaching that week so I think she must have been in one of the workshop rooms. 


Hannah x



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