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This was going to be a main channel video but I just didn't have a good time with the toy/app and didn't want to negatively blast the company publicly because a lot of it was down to personal preference/life stage and a bit about the product itself. 

But I thought it would a fun thing to still share with patrons so I made you this video! I also thought it would be a good excuse to try out Patreon's new video feature where the video is hosted on Patreon itself rather than just using youtube/vimeo links. So let's see how that goes... 

So far I will say the upload is slow... lol 😅

Hope you enjoy this video - it gets quite personal into my masturbation habits lol but it was for SCIENCE!!!

Hannah x



I appreciate you putting in the effort to make a video for us even though you're not doing a main channel one! I thought this was super interesting and I am definitely interested in following Anna and looking into this toy now. Also, that story about your tragic final experience with the toy was so sad and also so funny 🤣 Thanks for including us on your journey, I had a great laugh!


Oh and wanted to comment that Patreon's in-app video was great for me! Thought I wouldn't like it just because it's different from YouTube but I don't mind at all!


This was so refreshing to watch, felt like a behind the scenes almost. The player worked fine for me (in the patreon app on my android phone)


Loved the video! Still so interesting even though it didn't work properly for you Player worked great in the patreon app


I really like the unedited behind the scenes feel for a change! Also this video made me laugh a lot 😂 player worked great on the patreon app on my android ❤️