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Edit: some issues with the event set up so some of you may have been asked for a password. This is no longer the case, you should be able to register for the event now! Any issues let me know!

Hey folks!

This month's livestream will take place Monday 17th July 8:30pm BST! (please note the later start time than usual as Rowan is rarely going to sleep before 8pm these days!)

Hope to see you there! Make sure to connect your crowdcast and patreon accounts and be at the cahoots tier to gain access. There have been some issues with crowdcast lately as they launched a new version so please comment on this post if you need me to manually add you so you can access the livestream.

Hope to see you there!

Hannah x


July Patreon Livestream!

Register now for July Patreon Livestream! on crowdcast, scheduled to go live on July 17, 2023, 08:30 PM GMT+1.



Not sure if anyone else has this problem, but this time my problem is a new one, Crowdcast wants me to enter a password for the event 😅 I can't try to "save my spot" before I enter the password. So not sure if this month the problem I have had with Crowdcast not recognizing my sub-tier is still present.