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Hey folks! It’s reading list time, but it’s mostly a watching list!! Enjoy x


Are Wearable Trackers Worth It? - I’m in the market for a smart watch and then Emily Oster wrote about just that in her Parent Data newsletter!


I Emailed My Doctor 133 Times: The Crisis In the British Healthcare System - truly a wild, emotional ride through navigating the NHS as a trans person seeking gender affirming health care.

The (pre-loved) Fashion Challenge - okay I want to do this challenge although I fear I’m actually terrible at styling outfits.

“link in bio” & affiliate culture - looooved this episode of Internet Analysis and exploring ecommerce and consumerism. Also, lol this line: “I’m not gatekeeping, here’s my link to this candle.” 😅

systematically ranking glee’s crimes against humanity - for some reason I’m still not actually subscribed to uncarly but her videos still occasionally get recommended to me and I do very much enjoy her delivery and sense of humour. here’s a corker all about glee!

the entire history of the youtube algorithm, i guess - Taha from Answer In Progress takes us on a JOURNEY.

an extensive history of the brit crew (2012 british vloggers) - Jordan has appeared on my home page for a while but I just had to click on this one! I love the chaoticness of this video and how she explains a lot of the scandals that happened whilst also fully revealing her previous fan girl identity of a lot of these vloggers. Also she mentions DAILY MIX! So Daily Mix was a YouTube channel that a bunch of these creators were part of and hosted videos for and it was a “memory unlocked” moment because I did an unpaid (lol) internship with the TV production company that made Daily Mix for a month during the summer when I was at uni. I worked on a bunch of the videos we made - the scavenger hunt and monopoly thing around London with Joe Sugg & Jim Chapman - that was my idea! I planned those videos and I was behind the scenes running after them with food, water, snacks and spare camera batteries 😅 what a time.

So, I’ve got cancer - if you swim in the same internet circles as me you’ll probably already know that Hank Green of the vlogbrothers, crash course and sci show amongst other things has cancer. He has a very treatable kind and is currently going through chemo. Obviously, this is such sad and stressful news for him and his family, but I think it’s also got a lot of his community shaken. Every so often we get reminded of our own mortality or that we’re getting older and shit happens and this was one of those moments for me, but as Hank says in the video it sucks for him the most. Lots of love to Hank 💛

I (A Sceptic) Got A Professional Colour Analysis - I didn’t want to end the reading list on a cancer not. So instead, another one of my friends got a professional colour analysis! Check it out! Also, I’m sooooo tempted to get my colours done again (is that weird) by the people who did hers because I want to know what specific type of spring I am 😅


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