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Everything I’ve Learned About Sleep (Since My Baby Broke The Internet) - my friend Holly Bourne’s baby broke a sleep expert and then the internet but now she’s sleeping through! HOW!?! Find out! lol. Sleep is a touchy subject for new parents and I read this part in awe but also part jealous. Rowan doesn’t have terrible sleep but he still wakes regularly, has never slept through and recently has decided he’s waking up at 6:30am no matter what time he went to bed. This bit seems so foreign to me, I am shocked, I cannot imagine this ever happening. How much do I have to pay to get this? 

“And, she’s now so conditioned, she once accidentally found her rabbit when it dropped onto the carpet, and promptly fell asleep on the floor.” 🤯

Taylor Swift’s breakup is not fake news - I learned something from this about how PR and entertainment reporting works! I’m trying not to be parasocially affected by this breakup but a little part of me is 💔


The internet (or at least my internet) is having a bit of a colour analysis moment:

are “body type” tests actually helpful? (Kibbe, color season etc) - Tiffany Ferguson

Color Analysis: scam or sustainable fashion hack? - Leena Norms (the traitor spelt colour wrong for the algorithm)

5 Reasons NEW GIRL is an Amazing Show - I have no deep professional or even hobbyist interest in screen writing, however, Linda Barsi, is a YouTuber and screen writer I’ve been following for YEARS. And turns out she has a podcast and she posted an episode of it to her YouTube and I was curious because I recently rewatched all of New Girl (and watched the ending for the first time because apparently when I was first watching this show I didn’t make it to the end lol). I love this kind of unpretentious breakdown of what makes good, entertaining and loveable media.

I would throw soup at a Van Gogh painting  - no surprises but I was one of Leena’s friends who she was having these conversations with and I’m so glad she made this video because it definitely helped me question why my initial gut reaction to this news was the way it was.

The Rich Have Their Own Ethics: Effective Altruism & the Crypto Crash - Philosophy Tube. I hadn’t heard of EA before but seems to have a lot of crossover with many annoying hustle culture bros part of the internet I despise. Fun!

I’m Changing the Way I Think About Politics - without doing so consciously I think I’ve started to pay more attention to things going on and the politics in my local area than before. Is that getting old? Is that becoming a parent? Is that feeling like you’ve settled somewhere?

Everything GREAT About Everything Everywhere All at Once! - I only bookmarked this because he says “chekhov’s buttplug” which I still can’t get over. Also, every time Dan puts Rowan on his shoulders and Rowan is pulling Dan’s hair we both start yelling “Racacoonie!!!”


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