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Hello! Welcome to another monthly Patreon reading list! This month we are once again diving into the history of my YouTube Watch Later Playlist, however, there are some more current things in here AND someone commented (either on the YouTube video or someone in the discord server mentioned) that they hit “shuffle” on their Watch Later playlist which BLEW MY MIND. 1) because I didn’t realise there was a shuffle feature and 2) THE CHAOS. You’re watching things in all the wrong order and what if it messes with your perception of time?!?!! Anyway, of course I gave it a go but the anal-ness in me finds it hard to fully step away from watching chronologically in release order (latest - most recent). Okay… on with the list!!!


Goodbye, Ctrl Alt Delete podcast  - I am always fascinated when creators “quit” or end a successful project. Emma Gannon is closing up shop on her incredibly popular podcast, Ctrl Alt Delete and I am very happy for her but also watching from afar gawking like OMG SHE ACTUALLY DID IT. I really hope to see more and more examples of people in this industry in all of its forms closing chapters on things on their own terms as I do find it very inspirational.

Feminism is about choice, but can getting married ever be feminist? - article from Gina Martin. Can’t remember if I shared this last month because I definitely read it back in December when it came out… anyhoo! I share a lot of Gina’s thoughts about marriage and she summarises it really well!


Against Nihilism - I have no idea when this came out from John Green but I watched it shortly after seeing Everything Everywhere All At Once which explores nihilism (the whole nothing matters philosophy) so it was perfect timing from me to watch this video. I think I fall into the camp of nothing matters so therefore everything matters.

trashing VOGUE’s thirties fashion advice. - queen agony aunt Leena here again and this video really really tickled me! Somehow I’ve managed to avoid encountering 30s fashion advice but I don’t think I related to ANY OF IT. It was all so mature. Definitely still team bright colours and dressing like a comfy toddler most days.

Heartfelt Explanations - Dr. Lindsey Doe of Sexplanations has returned after a year off sabbatical for her health with such a warm and cosy video talking about why she left and what she’s been up to. I don’t know what the future of Sexplanations is but whatever Lindsey decides I’m so glad she took that time for herself 💛

Therapist Reacts to Everything Everywhere All at Once - this video actually didn’t really GET INTO IT in the way I hoped but they did mention they would potentially do more videos about this film and deep diving into the relationships and philosophies in it which I AM HERE FOR. Maybe they’ve already uploaded them and I’m just that far behind 😂

You’re wrong about Prince Harry - Leena has basically become my go-to YouTube Royal Family correspondent now 😅 I’m definitely not going to be reading SPARE so it was nice of her to summarise her thoughts for us lol

How A YouTube Company Actually Makes Money - really insightful video from Hank Green about Complexy’s finances!! It’s kind of like my pie chart videos but without a pie chart and instead blocks. Maybe I should do blocks next time?

Is Art Meaningless? | Philosophy Tube - LOVED THIS! Also, the costumes, the makeup! Amazing!


Oloni On How To Have The BEST Sex of Your Life | Private Parts Podcast - this is the video version but you can find parts 1 and 2 on any podcast app! I’ve not been listening to many podcasts atm because I spend all my headphones time is spent listening to the Stormlight Archive BUT I was recently a guest on Private Parts and so I wanted to get a taste of what it was like and saw they did an episode with fellow sex educator Oloni! There’s something Jamie says in this episode that I called him out on in the episode I recorded with him hehehe 😅 (not sure when mine will be out but will share it when it does!)



Just a heads up that you've linked to Emma Gannon's paid-subscriber only post about her decision to stop doing her podcast! (Which I can read because I am a paid subscriber to The Hypen, but I imagine lots of folks might not be.)


From a quick scroll through her Substack, I *think* the post was originally public, but she makes all of her posts paid-subscriber only after a certain time? So there’s currently only one you can access without paying, so you’re not only paying for the exclusive content but also access to her back catalogue of posts? (I am guessing here and might be wrong!!)