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Hello and happy new year!! As per one of my resolutions/goals this year I want to catch up/stay up to date on YouTube videos better than I have in the last 8 months… so this month’s reading list is going to be filled with videos that are mostly very old and not current at all 😂 enjoy!

Also I started using Readwise’s new “read later” app/plug in to save videos/articles and stuff. I currently have 11 days left of my free trial and if you sign up with my link you also get a free month trial (and I get an extra month woo!!). I’ve been using Readwise for ages (not spon) but it’s a great place to keep highlights from books/articles and now that have a read later app thing (kind of like Pocket or Instapapper). Anyhoo he’s my friends link: https://readwise.io/i/hannah460

Explaining my 30s to my 20s - this one from Anna Akana really made me life but I definitely wanted to hear more from 40 year old Anna at the end!! I feel like I’ve got a good idea of the themes and tropes of your 20s and 30s but your 40s is a weird mystery decade to me. What happens then????

Twenties tips I found out TOO LATE - similar theme from Leena this time. If these are book recommendations for your 20s then I am way behind 😅

laziness does not exist - another great Tiffany Ferguson video. Loved this dissection of “laziness” and how we put a moral judgement on “lazy people” but often it’s not because of some dreamy work ethic but racism, ableism, sexism and hating poor people (is there an -ism for that???)

Anti-hustle culture is brainwashing you - another excellent provocative title from our dear Leena. And an interesting one to watch alongside the laziness video. I love the idea of going on your own personal quests - I definitely see me transcribing my 5 year diaries as a personal quest. If I was at all “brainwashed” by hustle culture doing it would be a terrible waste of my time! 😂

unhinged lesbian tier ranks every sapphic movie trope - Rowan Ellie doing what Rowan Ellis does best. Be very smart and funny about gay movie things. “Re-animate your gays” was a fave 😂

twitter is a collective hallucination - Taylor of ItsRadishTime being very thoughtful and insightful about things as always. I remember I used to think/sometimes still get swept up in the whole what happens on Twitter is THE THING, this is the centre of the world. But it’s really not. Most people aren’t on twitter. Most people on twitter, aren’t even active on twitter (hello it me).

Has this artist ever seen a baby? - this vlogbrothers video from John had be laughing so much. Loved it.

do age gap relationships work? - another Anna Akana. This bit I found super interesting, she said, “for the purposes of this video I'm only going to refer to the studies found between adults, so not young adults in age gap relationships or marriages, and young adults would be like 25 or younger because for the most part those studies show really negative results with a high rate of exploitation.” I remember reading somewhere about how your brain isn’t fully formed until you’re around 25, is this true? Is this way it’s a useful cut off point for thinking about age gap relationships?

How to Make Productivity More Fun - okay I hate the title of this Ali Abdaal video, I think I actually threw up a little in my mouth. BUT he’s looking at a book called “Gamification” and it’s interesting to see the thinking that goes into making video games and all the different elements that make them feel so rewarding (and slightly addictive!) and then of course Ali goes on to how you can apply those things to your own life to make… productivity more… FUN!

Thoughts From the Universe - another vlogbrothers, Hank this time, getting all amazed by the universe and stuff.

Cutting a Hole in My Wall and Building a Miniature Living Room - I feel so far behind on Ariel Bissett’s house renovation projects and things but this was a very fun video to dive back in with!



Great list, thanks! Quite a few I haven't seen yet. And I think elitism is the 'ism' you're looking for.


Two thoughts because I have zero chill: 1. You may know this as you obvs say these are videos from a while ago, but did you see that Anna Akana did a follow up 'Explaining my 40s to my 30s' video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9BStYV_wzY 2. I think studies *do* show that brain development continues until about 25, BUT I'm always sceptical of the way it denies young people (inc. me by that definition) agency - a LOT of MSPs brought it up when debating the Gender Recognition Reform Bill as a way to suggest that young people can't possibly know they're trans until at least 25, and it's also being used in some proposed laws in the US right now that seek to deny gender-affirming care to trans people under 25 which - by total coincidence, I'm sure - is the age at which you have to come off your parents' insurance! So I haven't watched that video (though am going to now), but while I do think that an 18-year-old dating a 28-year-old is VERY different to a 28-year-old dating a 38-year-old, I don't necessarily think that framing it in a 'your brain doesn't fully develop until 25!' way makes me super comfortable. To be clear, not trying to critique you/call you out here, just sharing some of my thoughts just at hearing your thoughts - I'm going to go and watch the video now!!

Hannah Witton

ooh I didn't know she made that follow up video - excited to watch! And that makes loads of sense re: the 25 thing. I hadn't thought about how it can be used against young people in that way but you're right! Even if there is truth in the research it shouldn't be used in that way :(


Seconding classism as the ism you're looking for! Keen to go through the reading list 📖 it looks great