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Happy New Year everyone! 🎉 Welcome new Patrons, hello old Patrons - so happy to have you here! 

If you haven't done so already and would like to connect with other members of the community in what is basically one big (but organised!) group chat, please do join The Common Room discord server! Instructions on how to do that are here. We're a lovely bunch, I promise 😇

I wanted to kick off this year with a post for my Patrons about where my head is at/my loose plans for work in 2022 with the whole having a baby thing and open things up for genuine feedback and questions/answers (flowing both ways). I see you as my main 'investors' and 'stakeholders', you know my content and my business better than most and so I want to keep you in the loop and include you in the decision making process as much as possible. 

It really clicked for me the power of Patreon when I was ill during my first trimester and I said no hard feelings if you want to cancel your pledge as I'm not producing as much content and unable to fulfil Patreon perks, and the overwhelming response from people was, 'hell no! I support creators on Patreon so they can take much needed breaks without worrying it's going to hurt financially" and I just want to say a massive thank you for that from the bottom of my heart 💛

So that 2 months was an unexpected break and what I'm doing now is trying to plan for a break. So here goes... 

Where I'm at currently 

  • I'm due 25th April and who knows if baby will be early or late but that gives me hopefully a definite 3 months and maybe even 4 months to figure this out.
  • My new Creative Producer is starting this week and one of my big goals before baby is born is to onboard/train her and delegate a lot of my current responsibilities.
  • Usual upload schedule for both YouTube channels and podcast for next 3 months.
  • Finish ISEE course before baby is born. 

What will maternity leave look like?

Every time I've seriously sat down and thought about or talked about my maternity leave it keeps getting longer. At first, I thought I would only be able to take 6 weeks off, then that increased to 3 months and now I'm thinking about how dreamy it would be if I could take 6 months off 😂

  • Next week I've got lots of meetings with my team - manager, video editor, creative producer, assistant etc. to get the ball rolling on wtf this year is going to look like.
  • At the moment I'm thinking about taking 3 months completely off, no work and no content being published (even pre-recorded stuff).
  • After 3 months I'd come back part-time, in an ideal world to just "show up" and film/record whilst my team takes care of everything else (whilst keeping me in the loop of course!)
  • During the 3 months I want there to be enough engaging work for my assistant, creative producer and video editor to be doing so that they can keep getting paid and be ready for my "return". 

Where do Patrons come into this?

Right now I'm not asking for any specific thoughts/feedback/advice (that time will come!) but I welcome any general thoughts based on all that if you have any. What I want to happen though is, as I start to flesh out more of a concrete plan with specific ideas and strategies, I want to run them by you and see what you think. This will be in the form of posts like this, quick "oooh what do you think of this?" in the discord server and also (at least one) bonus livestream for Patrons at all levels where we can have a proper back and forth. 

It's really important to me that your voices are heard in this process and not necessarily because I feel I "owe" you anything but more because I believe you are genuinely intelligent and insightful members of this community and will have lots of valuable, interesting thoughts, ideas and feedback for me to consider (no pressure! 😋) 

Thank you

Well this has been the most rambly introduction to a thing/"watch this space" kind of post. 

I appreciate you taking the time reading it and your support 💛

Hope you're well

Hannah xx




Take as long as you need. Our support will still be here, whenever you choose to return. ❤️


The whole reason I support creators on Patreon is so that they can have a steady income outside of their content, in particular for situations like illness or maternity leave. Your plan sounds great to me! Maybe to fill the time up for us you could create a 'best of Hannah' playlist with some older videos that we might not have seen, or not have watched for ages. Hope everything's going well for you and baby <3

Sarah Parker-Shemilt

I became a parent to now-Toddler back in 2019. I’ll put together some more coherent thoughts later, but one thing I would like to highlight is to try not to plan anything (complicated!) in the four weeks before the due date. This was first recommended to me by my midwife, and actually what happened was Toddler needed to be yanked out at 36 weeks with 24 hours notice. Babies can make plans change very quickly. Also IIRC you are under consultant-led care? They may want you coming in for regular scans from 28 weeks/appointments to keep a close eye on everything. Regardless everyone else in my NCT group go to 40 weeks and were complete over pregnancy by 36 weeks and had very little energy to do things, so that is also something I would suggest considering. Happy to answer any questions based on my experience if needed! <3

Hannah Witton

No that's perfect thank you!! And yeah I'm having serial scans from 28 weeks so any info we get from those scans and appointments could change things last minute! I definitely want to make *some* plans in the 4 weeks before due date because if I do go to 40 weeks I will be BORED out of my mind! But I want to try and get all the *needs to be done* stuff before April and then anything that happens after that is a bonus!


Hi Hannah. As mentioned above the last 4 weeks of your pregnancy could well be tough so careful with the work load and trust me 3 months off after birth is a 100% must. I was just the dad and I didn’t know what day it was or if it was day or night for months 😳 it’s an amazing time but also very tough. What ever you do I’m not planing on going anywhere. Content idea wise I have a couple of suggestions for consideration. (1) I am already offering to do a new (maybe multiple) live stream edit(s) for free and as per previous version this could be used as Patreon content for all based on your best bits of the last 18 months if your team is available then maybe they do it rather then me. This could also be a mini series that gets launched to your YT channel. (2) you have a lot of people in your Patreon that have their own you tube channels. For volunteers (which I am sure there would be many) that you and your new producer approve, your new producer could give us bits of scripts that we say and then send back to be edited into a video that could be published (either to Patreon only or to all) (3) Would you consider a member of your team or somebody you trust taking over Doing It Pod Cast. These are more about the guest and the questions. (4) Invite known creators to make videos / sound bites about how your content has changed something in their lives (ie ask your YT friends to say nice things about you and refer to earlier videos that encourage people to go back and watch your back catalogue). Many more ideas but this reply is already way to long.


Have you considered doing a Vlogbrother's style maternity leave where some of your Youtube friends create content for your channel in your absence? It might be an interesting way to showcase different experiences with regard to sex education and relationships beyond your podcast

Crunk James

Impromptu (sorry!) twitch streams! Your coloring streams last year during the worst of lockdown were very comforting. Cooking, coloring, whatever. Baby will sleep a lot in the start, enough time to pop on and say hi. Also, i know OBS has an automatic faceblur plugin, to keep baby anonymous?

Cindy Tillory

I would say at least for the More Hannah channel I wouldn't mind an office hours where you have the people on Team Witton answer questions in your absence. if not, there's always livestreaming.


Tbh I think what would be nice is to take a definite break from everything but after possibly something patreon-only low stakes way to connect, maybe an instagram private story to check in on or just posts to say hi and update on how your family is doing


Hi! I second this even though I went to 40 weeks. I had planned to be off at 38 weeks, but added another one, so I was off at 37, but I was dragging myself to get there. Any "thinking" work felt way too much. My baby is now 12 weeks, and I have a hard time feeling like I'm ready to go back to work, but I guess that's very personal.