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The Dark Tales of the Christian Sex Addiction Industry  - one for anyone who wants to dig a little deeper into some of the themes of the podcast episode with Silva Neves on sex addiction and compulsive sexual behaviours. He briefly mentioned the issues around using an addiction framework to address sexual problems and this article goes into much more detail about how and why.

"Most sex therapists do not believe an addiction recovery model is well-suited to treat sexual problems, since their goal is sexual freedom and self-acceptance, rather than abstinence and control."

5 Things People Misunderstand "About Sex Addiction" - and a simple overview from Silva Neves himself.

Is It Just Me Or... Do We Need To Talk About Online Social Justice Culture? - one from Megan Jayne Crabbe's newsletter and this one really spoke to me in terms of a lot of the anxiety and fears I have navigating social justice topics and movements online. It also really made me want to read *We Will Not Cancel Us* by adrienne maree brown.


The way we think about biological sex is wrong - TED talk by intersex activist, Emily Quinn.

How A Baby Has Changed Our Relationship - loved this video from Shan Boody sitting down with her husband talking about their relationship and first year of parenting. I always love how honest and kind they are with each other and don't sugar coat over hard times or tension with individuality and relationships.

The right to sex, Me Too, incels and pornography with Amia Srinivasan - loved this interview and obviously her book, The Right to Sex, went straight on my impossibly long TBR.

Critical Race Theory and "Moral Panic" - from Carlos Maza. This was fascinating to me. It really traced how this whole debate about CRT in the USA started, what it's about and what CRT actually really is (it's not diversity/inclusion programs in schools!)

The Rise and Fall of Teen Dystopias - this came up in my recommended and is basically a more in depth/researched version of Nathan Zed's video on the same topic (which I thoroughly enjoyed and was very funny). But I love shit like this and actually recently watching Cinema Therapy's videos about Katniss has given me a very strong urge to re-watch The Hunger Games films.

how to get off the content treadmill - many creators I know were equally impacted by Michaela Cole's speech about the power of disappearing and I love what Taylor has to say here about there being a privilege in being able to do a Michaela Cole or a Bo Burnham - disappear from the public eye for years to work on your art. Most online content creators don't have the luxury of making slow content but it's a lovely fantasy.

Gays in Space: The Limits of Cisnormative Sci-Fi - I know lots of us in the discord server love the Wayfarer's series and I think someone shared this but wanted to blast again in case you missed it. Great video going into how gender is handled in the Wayfarer's books by Becky Chambers. Lots of food for thought and also reminds me of a lot of the themes raised in Rowan Ellis' video about non-binary aliens.



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