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Hello lovely Patrons!

I'm getting a bit ahead of myself with video planning and of course in January I want to release my annual (3rd year in a row!) sexy survey video based on a bunch of Instagram polls answered by my community/followers. 

I won't be posting the Qs on my Instagram until early Jan but I wanted to get a head start so I'm not rushing/panicking immediately after new year. 

For context here's the first sexy survey video and here's the 2021 version (pandemic sex edition). I liked that we had a theme for the second video so on top of the general questions about sex and relationships there were some specific ones to that year and so I'm keen to do a theme again. 

An obvious choice would be a TTC (trying to conceive)/pregnancy theme. Since being public about my fertility journey this year and announcing my pregnancy either a lot more pregnant folks have started following me OR existing followers are also getting pregnant and are more visible to me in my YouTube and Insta comments these days. So I thought that could be an interesting topic with the demographics/life stages etc. of my community changing with me.

So my Qs to you, my Patrons, are:

What do you think of the TTC/pregnancy theme? Any suggestions for a different theme?

What specific Qs would you like the survey to ask? (you can reference Qs from the previous surveys that you want to stay/bin as well) 

Important note: this survey is mostly meant as some silly fun/getting to know the community which is why I use instagram stories and not a proper survey website/form (lower barrier to entry). So the Qs have to work as a poll (2 options) or a quiz (up to 4 options). 

 Thanks for your input!

Hannah x



Oh and always love me some kink / fetish questions. Maybe a list of what kinks do you enjoy / would like to explore?


Sorry for being obtuse but what's TTC? Quick Google search gave me only irrelevant answers

Hannah Witton

aaah not at all sorry! it means trying to conceive. when someone first used it in the comments of one of my videos I was so confused too.


I think it is great with the TTC and pregnancy theme, but I would suggest to include post partum too, as I found there to be the bigger change in sex life


I'm thinking maybe a question about how at ease people feel talking about sex with people they are not in a relationship with would be interesting. Like "Do you talk about sex with your friends ?" or something like that ?


I think it's a good theme. Some other questions to consider would be: 1. Do you want kids? 2. Do you feel pressure to have kids? 3. For people who don't want kids, do people try to convince you that you will one day?


i think this is a great theme! i always find TTC and pregnancy information interesting.


Love the TTC/pregnancy theme! (somewhat biased since I'm currently pregnant, but I think lots of people find it interesting) Perhaps you could also expand to pregnancy/parenthood? Questions around wanting kids/pressure to have kids, sex life before and after kids, challenges with TTC and pregnancy, etc.


Pregnancy and parenthood would be super interesting! It could potentially exclude a lot of people so would be great to have some broader questions too like when you were a kid, did you want to be a parent? or has the pandemic increased/same/decreased your interest in becoming a parent?


Perhaps as a side quest to pregnancy/TTC you could have questions about all types of long term relationships, including poly and self partnering. Seems that might complement the baby questions for people who haven't got or never want them.


Love the theme!