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Hi everyone! 

I know some (most) of you will have already glanced down to figure out what it is but first I have to say THIS IS STILL A SECRET AND I AM TRUSTING YOU TO KEEP IT THAT WAY JUST FOR ANOTHER WEEK OR TWO. You can comment on this post and we can chat all you like in The Common Room private discord server but please refrain from any public youtube/instagram comments or tweets! 

I just really wanted to tell you first. 

The 'health stuff' that I've been going through the last couple of months that has had me out of action for a lot of work stuff (hence the reduced upload schedule) is indeed health stuff and thank you so much for all your comments and get well soons but there is a silver lining to feeling like absolute shit this time around because... 


It somehow happened 'naturally' after a year of trying and in fact in the last episode of The Hormone Diaries, the day I got the fertility clinic referral and got really excited about my uterus measurements I was a few weeks pregnant but didn't know yet! 

I'm now 14 weeks pregnant, I'm still not feeling 100% but there have been definite improvements and apparently this is when it starts to get better 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 yesterday, was my best day in months in terms of energy levels and appetite but we've slumped a bit again today which is a tad annoying but I'm hopeful things will continue to get better. 

In terms of how long you have to keep a secret (thank you), these are the dates:

1st November - announced in monthly newsletter
Shortly after that (maybe a day or two) - proper public social media announcement
9th November - The Hormone Diaries episode of finding out/first trimester (obvs you'll get this a day early!) 

Thanks again for all your support and patience the last couple of months whilst I've been dealing with my "health stuff" (oh fuck it's been so hard). You are seriously the best bunch of Patrons a pregnant gal could ask for. 

See some of you tonight at the Patreon livestream!!!  

All my love,

Hannah x




Congratulations Hannah! I’m so happy for you and Dan


Congratulations Hannah and Dan! ❤️ this news makes me sooo happy and what a n amazing start to being part of the Common Room/Patreon Community! Lots of love from the Netherlands x


Congratulations!!! ❤️ It's been so wonderful following your fertility journey and also very educational. I can't wait to hear more about how you're doing while pregnant! x




omg I'm so overjoyed for you!!! congrats!!


So excited for the next hormone diaries episode!!!! 🧡


YAAAAAY! what great news!




I’m beyond thrilled for you and Dan! I’ve been watching your videos for years, and joined patreon today after receiving your newsletter to say congratulations! I was wondering how you were getting on with your journey & keeping everything crossed for you, and I’m so happy to hear your news. I am also pregnant with my first babe (16 weeks!) and excited that you get to be on this wild, magical journey too. Wishing you all the best, & that your pregnancy goes well 💕✨😊Immy x


Congratulations! I'm genuinely happy for the both of you!!!