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New episode!!! 

And actually this is the last episode I was able to record before I started feeling like shit so I can't say when there'll be more episodes out but hopefully soon once I'm feeling better and able to get some more recordings in! Any people you're really keen for me to reach out to/interview on the podcast?

Hannah x




Mr. S is a favorite place to stop into when I'm in San Francisco. Kink has always been a part of the LQBTQA+ community. It has always been in the parades. One thing that bends me, is the way the Internet has impacted the openness that has historically been in the non vanilla sex community. The Internet and sites like FetLife tend to place everyone in some kind of category. The term BDSM didn't exist in the kink community pre Internet. Labels aren't necessary. In the olden days when everything was face to face, there was a lot of open talk where people would describe who they were to each other. Part of it was looking for commonalities, but most of it was learning who someone is. I miss the personal social Interaction which has largely disappeared as a consequence of social media. Sigh. Great show this week.