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Hi folks, 

I've had some health stuff come up recently and I need to trim back on work whilst I rest and recover. This means no videos for the next 2 weeks and then the plan is for there to be videos every other week in October (because I have 2 Squsarespace videos contracted for that month) and I am nothing if not a professional. The weeks that there will be the More Hannah videos (sponsored by daddy Squarespace) I also want to try and get out main channel videos too but I'll keep you updated if that has to change. 

I recorded 5 podcast episodes before this series started but I'm not in a position to record anymore. The ones we have takes us to around mid-October and we'll see what happens from there!

Hope you understand and I totally get it if you want to cancel your support for October as there won't be as much going on but I'll still be kicking around the discord server and writing updates for Patrons. Thanks so much for all your support. 

Hannah xx



Take care Hannah, hope you feel better soon ❤️


Take all the time you need to rest and get well!!

Eric Leslie

Thanks for keeping us in the loop - you take care of you. Hope things go smoothly and you're feeling better soon!


no worries! as someone with chronic illness, I completely understand, take all the time you need ❤️❤️

Cindy Tillory

take care of yourself, that's what matters.


You getting healthy is the important thing. Rest.

Spinning 3 plates

Hannah, As with all of your other members, I wish you full recovery from your health stuff. I completely understand you having to take the time to recover (especially me being fellow UC sufferer). I do appreciate you letting us know, thank you. Like many, I will keep supporting you through Patreon. Best wishes.


Well, it seems, your body realised that it can do better than 4 day work week. xD Jokes aside, I wish you a fast recovery. Sending love and support your way!


Take care <3


Why would we reduce your income, because, you're unwell? That simply adds stress, to the mix. Take time to heal, come back all the more vibrant