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Making algorithmic dog food for the content factory - I mean what a title. But essentially this substack newsletter installment is about how Vice recently laid off a bunch of employees and how digital media companies run their businesses vs. say, Logan Paul. The writer of this article really doesn't like Logan Paul but he's doing some things better than Vice.

Logan Paul also appears to be actually doing several things that digital media companies like VICE have never figured out how to do: he has a clear editorial point of view (which sucks), a very good understanding of his audience (who all suck)

Also, whilst we're on the topic of Logan Paul these tweets... I can't �

A Private-School Sex Educator Defends Her Methods - Justine Ang Fonte was recently a victim of a conservative backlash against her porn literacy sex education lessons. I've been lucky to see Justine talk at some virtual sex ed conferences over lockdown and she is just so brilliant and passionate and I'm even more lucky that she's going to be a guest on season 5 of Doing It! This New York Times article was the first published where she was able to speak out and defend herself.

When work is the answer to everything - oooooh 'internalised capitalism'. Not sure if this is something I genuinely don't have anymore or if I stopped actively trying to fight it I would easily slip back into its cold embrace. I didn't realise I'd become so good at resting and taking time time off until someone in my accountability group said "I'm going to do a Hannah" and by 'do a Hannah' they meant - rest. So that was pretty cool and now I just need to make sure I'm living up to my name as the one who takes time off.


Clickbait is Unreasonably Effective - I wish I had the time and energy/cared enough to A/B test thumbnails but I think I just don't.... care? 😂

Sex Education: Outsmarting Stereotypes - I don't think this video essay says anything profound but I'm just getting hyped for the new season by watching anything related to Sex Education that appears on my YouTube home page.

i read #girlboss books for a week (and learned NOTHING lol) - uncarly is a very funny booktuber. would recommend.

An Uncensored Conversation About Weddings With The YouTuber Who Called Me Out - love this from Chelsea and The Financial Diet and also lol find it so funny that when you actually get two people in a room together talking they tend to be nicer and agree on more things than if we just let things play out in 'internet drama' world.

Reading and Reflecting on My Puberty Journals - I love this so much! And it makes me so sad that I don't have access to all the angsty diaries I kept around the age of 12-15 years old. I found them all when I was 17/18 and I wasn't old enough or emotionally distanced enough from them to look at them with curiosity and compassion, I just felt PURE CRINGE and so I binned them all. GUTTED. All that great #content lost forever.



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