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Thought I'd try to get part 2 of the June reading list in before I'm off on my 2 week  break!! This does mean that July will probably only have 1 reading list as I'm not 'back in the office' until 12th July!


What is biological sex? - great run down of what makes biological sex and how there's nothing 'wrong' with intersex people it's just an expression of human biological diversity, written by Schuyler Bailar.

Why you might feel the urge to overspend right now - had relate to this article. Definitely been spending way more money than usual since things started opening up. I don't think it's a problem (yet) because I'm very lucky that I managed to save money during the last year that I put into a 'post-pandemic joy' pot. But still an interesting article about how much the pandemic has rewired our brains to think that 'normal' experiences are now novel and rare and we have developed a scarcity mindset around fun.


I taught an AI to solve the trolley problem - loved this video from Sabrina/Answer In Progress, the ridiculousness of the trolley problem examples and the discussion about ethics in AI

Is BDSM Always Sexual? - there are so many reasons why someone might like BDSM!

My Greatest Tool Against Vaccine Misinformation - I'm getting vaxxed tomorrow and I am SO GRATEFUL to all the researchers and scientists who made the possible and the NHS and all the healthcare workers who have worked so hard to get the vaccines into people's arms

Vaccines: A Measured Response - this was a wild ride, 1 hour 44 minutes from hbomberguy. I had no idea about the history of the anti-vaccine movement and wow just wow.

The Establishment War Against Trans People - Freddy McConnell and Lui Asquith talk to Owen Jones about the recent anti-trans attack on Stonewall.

A Toolkit for Becoming a Transgender Ally - I recently saw Eli Green speak at AASECT's Annual (digital) Conference and this is his brilliant TED talk.

788,401 Minutes - Dominique Morgan also spoke at AASECT and this is her TED talk about resilience and the time she was incarcerated. She's also the director of Black and Pink National, a non-profit fighting for prison abolition and supporting LGBTQ+ folks who are system impacted.

Meet the Transgender NCAA Swimmer from Harvard - this is a mini doc about Schuyler (from the biological sex article) and his journey with his gender and becoming an athlete.

Intersex Explained | Complete Androgen Insensitivity - CAI, one of many intersex variations and a great explainer video.



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