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Hi folks,

First off, welcome new people!! The bookmark special offer ends today and then next week I shall be ordering loads of bookmarks and envelopes and updating you as stuff arrives gets sent out! EXCITED!! ✨💛

Make sure your address is up to date! How to do that here.

The monthly producer livestream for March is going to be on Tuesday 16th at 8pm GMT. You have to be in the "Producer" Patreon tier to access it (and FYI you can always upgrade your pledge for one month and then bump it back down again). 

We use a platform called Crowdcast as they have an integration with Patreon. You have to register for the livestreams and make sure to connect your Crowdcast and Patreon accounts to get access! 

There's a Q&A feature in Crowdcast so before and during the livestream you can pop Qs in there and upvote other people's Qs. 

Hope to see you there!

Thank you for all your support, I really appreciate it! And can't wait for everyone to get their bookmarks! 😊

Hannah x


March Patreon Livestream! - Crowdcast

Register now for Hannah Witton's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Tuesday March 16, 2021 at 8:00 pm GMT.



When the bookmarks will be shipped? I'm moving so I'm wondering which address I should use. :)

Hannah Witton

that is unknown until I have all the bookmarks and envelopes and depdning on how long it takes me to write out everyone's addresses. BUT I'll update everyone on the process and when I'm ready to start writing out addresses and give people a heads up/warning to have their addresses updated!


Haven’t been too active here lately so didn’t know about the bookmarks, but can’t wait to see them.


Is there an option for staying patron without receiving these bookmarks? I don't have much use for them, 'cause my books are mostly digital, and it seems a waste of money and merch - I'm here to support your content, and not because I want some objects in return. :)

Eric Leslie

Unrelated to bookmarks but I just wanted to say that wooden organizer for Gloomhaven you pictured in your latest newsletter rules! Very jealous. 😛 Also over just having Gloomhaven at all, which I do not aside from the digital version. But yay good board games!

Hannah Witton

Hey Natalie, I'll make note of your name and just not write out an envelope for you! Thanks for your support :)