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*EDIT* - That's all the pins officially gone now!! But don't worry there will be more Common Room goodies (although not pins) coming in 2021!

Hey folks, as mentioned in yesterday's end of year livesteam (you can watch it here if you missed it!) I've still got a bunch of seconds of TCR pins and for any newbies who haven't got a pin yet who wants one I can send them out!

Just comment below this post saying you'd like one (or two or three lol) and make sure your mailing address is visible to me in your Patreon settings. 

I can't promise I'll get them sent out before Christmas (the line for my local post office goes out onto the street atm!!) but I'll get them sent out as soon as I can! 

Hannah x




I would like one if there are any left 😊


I’d love one please!


i would like one please!


I would love one please!


I’d love a pin please! Thanks so much, Hannah <3


I'd like one please! I was supporting on Patreon at the time of the first set but mine never arrived, guessing it just got lost in the post 😊


I would love one if there’s still one left!


No problem, I'd forgotten about it until you made this post!!


I’d love one if there are any left!

Hannah Witton

That's all the pins officially gone now!! But don't worry there will be more Common Room goodies (although not pins) coming in 2021!