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Wow I can't believe I'm finally saying this, the pins have left the Witton station and are on their way to you now! My biggest and sincerest apologies for these taking so long. I really hope they are worth the wait!

Anyone who signed up for the pins special offer back in Jan/Feb and provided their address to Patreon has been sent one (if you don't fall into this category and you would like a pin, more on that in a follow up post). 

Below are the following things, you don't need to know these, the main thing is the pins are ON THEIR WAY but keep reading if you're interested in:

1. A big 'ol explanation of why the pins are so damn late.  

2. The breakdown of all the different countries pins have been sent out to (because I find it interesting and you might too!)

Thanks for all your patience, 

Hannah xxx

Why are the pins so damn late? AKA a list of stuff that kept going wrong.

  • We ordered the pins back in February after the Special Offer finished running. (we = me and Polly, the designer of The Common room logo and artwork). Polly ordered them from a supplier she normally works with in China and back in Feb China was COVID-central so everything was closed and on pause 
  • We got word from the supplier at the end of March that the pins had been made wooopie!!! 
  • But they weren't going to be shipped for A While
  • Early May they were shipped and mid-May they arrived at my door wooooopie!!
  • I'd ordered envelopes and started writing people's addresses on them, I was READY
  • I took one (with a pin it) to the post office so it could be weighed and I could purchase all the correct stamps and just stick them at home
  • If you're not in the UK or EU you'll see from the date on your customs form that I packaged them up at the end of May πŸ˜‚
  • Polly had said to account for about 10% of the pins having mistakes so I ordered PLENTY. However, after packaging up all the good pins I was 50 short
  • So we told the supplier and more arrived at the beginning of June
  • They sent 60 more pins and only 18 were good
  • By the end of June they sent out more pins and this time (thank god) we had just the right amount!
  • Now during all this time I was having a nightmare with Royal Mail trying to set up a PO Box, you see with the post not being as reliable right now I wanted to make sure all the envelopes had a return address on them in case they didn't make it to you
  • But Royal Mail's payment system was effed and even after emails and phone calls nothing... 
  • So finally I gave up and paid for a private PO box and ordered some labels
  • The labels arrived a few days ago and I got to sticking them on all the envelopes
  • Yesterday I filled up my post box with all the UK and half of the EU pins 
  • Today I sent off the rest! 

Again, really sorry for how long this took and I really appreciate your patience and understanding. I hope the pins make it to you safely! πŸ’›

Breakdown of countries! (in order or number of pins sent)

UK - 137 

USA - 97

Canada - 23

Germany - 23

Australia - 19 

Netherlands - 12

France - 7

Ireland - 6

Belgium - 5

Austria - 5

Sweden - 5

New Zealand - 5 

Denmark - 3

Russia - 3

Norway - 3

Portugal - 2

Spain - 2

Italy - 2

Romania - 2

Czech Republic - 1

Estonia - 1

Greece - 1

Luxembourg - 1

Poland - 1

Hungary - 1

Latvia - 1

Switzerland - 1

Pakistan - 1

Brazil - 1

Chile - 1

Uruguay - 1

Israel - 1



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