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Episode 8 Further Reading

Sex During Lockdown (Good Sex Bad Sex podcast) - Metro’s sex podcast.

In A Global Pandemic, The Surge in ‘Coronavirus Porn’ Is No Surprise - these are the news stories I wanna hear about. Also, I love Franki’s point in this about how it’s  not necessarily a kink/fetish thing but about wanting to watch porn that is relatable and reflects your current situation.

Health Agencies Offer Tips on Sex During the Pandemic - what’s the situation? What are different health agencies saying? Although this is an old article now, probably out of date with how fast things are changing everywhere.

Normal People couldn’t be further from porn -  but it still makes me worry about my son’s sex education - “Marianna has actual public hair and undoes her own bra”. An article from a parent worried about how ineffective the new sex ed curriculum is likely to be if it doesn’t offer a counter-education to porn.

Staged sex: how an intimacy coordinator works with actors on sex scenes - really interesting video diving deeper into Ita O’Brien’s work and some of the exercises actors do.

Other stuff

Men: Did you keep your surname when you got married? - another necessary and beautifully articulated rant from Girl on the Net. I thought I was angry about this subject but now I’m even more fed up about it.

The wedding if off. Coming Out Again - this is a very personal video from Alayna about figuring out she’s gay and breaking off her long term relationship with her ex-fiance. It’s a very raw video but without saying the actual words what she’s describing is her experience of “compulsory heterosexuality” and it was watching her video that made me start exploring that topic further and making the video on it.

Am I A Lesbian Masterdoc - and since posting that video about comphet a lot of people have been telling me about this google doc. I could only find a copy of it so I hope this is the correct one. If anyone has been asking themselves “am I a lesbian?/am I gay?” this is a good resource about comphet and different Qs to ask yourself to understand your sexuality.

Thigh-rubbing, thigh-clenching, cross leg masturbation orgasms - in case you missed it in the newsletter where I shared this. Another brilliant video from Sexplanations.

I work in a Nevada brothel shut down in the pandemic. Here’s how we’re getting by. - how has the pandemic impact sex workers? Obviously there are so many different kinds of sex work - in person, online, porn performers and there’s different impacts. I’m interested in looking into this for video.

Physical Affection and Intimacy in Our Relationship - we love Squirmy and Grubs, inter-abled couple extraordinaire. And they’ve recently done a series of videos about intimacy as an inter-abled couple. The main video linked is them taking the piss out of Qs and assumptions they get but then they did a part 1 and part 2 answering people genuine questions.

This psychology formula predicts with 94% accuracy if your relationship will last - this video takes us through Gottman’s 1994 study and findings about romantic relationships. I then explained to Dan about the magic ratio of positive/negative interactions and now any time the smallest thing happens that was nice, one of us will say “that was a positive interaction”. So I think our relationship is becoming meta???? 



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