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When you should talk to your children about sex, according to a parenting expert - I mention this in the next episode of Pleasure Trove but you can have it here too! Are we having more conversations about this in general or is this one of those things where I’m thinking about it so I’m noticing all these conversations? 

 I was Caroline Calloway: Seven years after I met the infamous Instagram star, I’m ready to tell my side of the story - a lot of people were talking about this on social media, it’s a long read but interesting. I’m not sure if reading it makes me dislike Caroline more or actually feel sorry for her as it seems she was and maybe even is still going through a lot of mental health stuff. The whole thing is so strange though. 


Mixed-ish and What I Really Need to Say About My Race - I adore Shan Boody and this was such a great video about her mixed identity and how she doesn’t always feel like she falls into the narrative that is portrayed about mixed people (they don’t feel like they belong fully to any group/community), because as Shan says she’s felt accepted and championed amongst a community of black women. 

What I Learned in China - Leena shares her usual thoughtfulness about her recent trip to China and exploring the book publishing industry there. 

Chelsea & Hank Green On Their Professional Breakup, Making Money, And Building Good Companies - you know I love me some Financial Diet and in this chat Chelsea and Hank talk about how TFD is no longer part of Complexly in a really adult and professional way.

Virginity 101 - oh how I love Sexplanations. Lindsey takes us through the history of the concept of virginity, what it actually means, what it doesn’t mean and maybe what kind of language we should be using instead. 

Jennifer’s Body Reunion: Megan Fox and Diablo Cody Get Candid About Hollywood - did I share the Queer Movie Podcast episode about Jennifer’s Body and then the minisode about the politics around it’s release & Megan Fox? Anyway, this is a really amazing follow on from that. Such an incredible conversation. 


I feel like I’m getting back into podcasts because I don’t have an audiobook on the go but I no longer feel this pressure to be up to date and listen to every episode. I just listen to ones that really intrigue me.

Gretchen Rubin - How Your Tendencies Impact Your Productivity (Detail Therapy) - love Amy Landino and great to listen to her fan girl over Gretchen Rubin who created the Four Tendencies which is all about how you respond to expectations i.e. outer expectations (work deadlines) and inner expectations (New Year Resolutions). You can take the quiz here. I think I’m an Upholder, I tried taking the quiz just now but I know too much about the tendencies from this interview to answer honestly! 

Charlotte Rose & Eliza Harper (Sex, Power, Money) - Sara Pascoe’s new podcast. This is the first episode all about sex work, the movement to decriminalisation and the stigma surrounding the “oldest profession”. 


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