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How to spot a liar - I haven’t watched a TED Talk in ages but this just came up for my recently and thought I’d give it a watch. I like her point at the beginning about how lying in a collaborative act. Also, lol at oversharing on social media is just blanket dishonesty. Well, I guess I’ll close all my accounts now.

Does “The Press” Hate YouTube? - I probably watched this video when it first came out but it got surfaced again for me. Maybe I even put it in a previous reading list!! (that would be embarrassing). 


Friends Hasn’t Aged Well - I feel like ever since Friends came on Netflix people have been talking about this but now it’s the 25th Anniversary (omg so long!) people are talking about it some more. I’m glad I didn’t bother watching Friends from beginning to end when it came on Netflix.

Poison and politics… Lucy Prebble puts the Litvinenko case on stage - really great article/interview with Lucy Prebble who wrote A Very Expensive Poison. I did a brand deal with The Old Vic on instagram recently with Lucy and she was amazing and then I got to see the play the other night and it was wow. So surreal and brilliant.

Is Sexism In Medicine Driving Women To Dangerous ‘Natural’ Cures? - I don’t think the writer really comes down hard enough with her opinion. She just ends it on some quotes from people she interviewed with no real analysis. But I continue to be extremely skeptical of the wellness industry. Also, sometimes it feels like you can’t be an female influencer these days unless you are pushing some kind of wellness product or lifestyle.

The Instagram trap: Social influence is helping women build brands - as long as they follow the rules - a slightly more sensationalised heading than it needs to be because this article is actually really interesting. It’s about female entrepreneurs and founders of companies and how they use their own personal instagram accounts and what that means for the connection between themselves and their company’s brand. Does it put you at an advantage or disadvantage? Interesting stuff. 

Libra Ad To Show Period Blood On Television In Australian-First - ACTUAL BLOOD. Although from those images I’m like is it period blood or just blood? Like how did they get the blood???

Straight people going to gay events and venues - Meg-John Barker here with their words of wisdom and kindness. This is a really comprehensive guide to going to queer events/spaces if you’re cis/straight. And also a friendly reminder that some people or couples who might “look” cis or straight might not be. 



Great reading list. Thanks, Hannah.