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Men. Abuse. Trauma - Olly from Philosophy Tube talks about relationships abuse and suicide. 

The Best $10,000 I Ever Spent - by Hank Green (vlogbrothers). Spoiler alert: it’s on medical expenses to help him live with ulcerative colitis (same condition I have). Love this video about how important his health is to him but also wow so glad I like in the UK. 

Genital Hygiene for Kids - Yes, Dr. Doe at it again with educational and necessary content. 

The Disappointments of Dating as a Black Woman - really amazing video/podcast from Shan Boody with other black women all about their dating experiences and the different struggles they have because of their race.

Your fertility matters - loved this lil animation. So true! All we’re taught in school is how to not get pregnant so when it actually comes to the age when you might actually want to get pregnant we’re often left pretty clueless.


Instagrammers fall ill at ‘idyllic’ lake that is actually a toxic dump - careful on your insta missions, folks!

How Can Philosophy Help Us Understand Transgender Experiences? - Dan sent me this as he loves his philosophy. It contains several short paragraphs from different philosophers about their research/what they think. Some of them were a bit too jargony for me and a couple are “gender critical” radical feminists/TERFs just as an FYI. Too be honest, a lot of them seemed a bit too pre-occupied with philosphy/academia and less occupied with understanding transgender experiences.  

Sorry, childless millennials going to Disney World is weird - one of the things on my bucket list before I have children is to do a proper Disney World holiday with friends. And guess what, it’s booked and I’m going January 2020!!! On top of that I basically go to Disneyland every year (but that’s because I’m already in LA for work reasons). SORRY NOT SORRY. I’d rather be in a Disney park doing everything I want with other adults than with screaming kids who are too young to remember it. Also, this journalists idea of a more “cultured” trip is sipping rose on the Seine in Paris. LOL how basic. A lot of my friends were tweeting about the article which is how I found it, many of them ex- or current Disney Park employees. And one of them wisely said that the people who work at Disney should be able to go to Disney (without anyone’s judgement thank you very much!)

Smash the Wellness Industry - couldn’t agree more. This article is mostly about how the diet industry disguises itself as “wellness” but I think the wellness industry expands far beyond food. Vitamins, pro-biotics, juices, “essential” oils. I actually can’t stand it. 

I tried to find an upside to no deal. I couldn’t - I’m so scared but also am definitely suffering with Brexit fatigue. Dan & I are going to Paris early November. I wonder if it’ll be absolute carnage. 

‘We don’t need to bleed’: why many women are giving up on periods - YAAAAAASS! So glad a mainstream newspaper is writing about this. I talk about this a lot in my book The Hormone Diaries. It definitely feels like we’re in a time where some folks are encouraging people with periods to embrace and celebrate it. But I’m definitely in the camp of “no thanks, please take my period away from me”. And that’s okay too!


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