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Abortion & Ben Shapiro - Olly (Philosophy Tube) has been killing it lately with his video essays. I really loved the thought exercise in this one and may need to rewatch to really fully grasp the ideas. Right to life vs right to body autonomy… which can override the other?

Sex Ed School: Consent - My friend Eva is one of the hosts of this new Canadian sex ed show for kids and it’s so good! There’s plenty more episodes but the first covers consent and it’s a great tool for adults in how to talk to children about consent in an age appropriate way and also great to show to kids. 

Basically, I’m Gay - Yeah we’ve all already seen this but wanted to add this here anyway just because it was so powerful and deserves a rewatch. Also, how does Dan manage to still be so funny and cracking jokes throughout this video?

I was wrong about climate change: here’s why - I shared this in my monthly newsletter but in case you’re not subscribed *ahem* http://po.st/HannahsNewsletter *ahem* I wanted to share here. Really excited for the rest of Leena’s Positive Panic series. And I’m trying to figure out how the fuck to talk about climate change online when I just feel so overwhelmed by the WHOLE BLOODY THING. (and I don’t want all the flat earthers/climate change deniers coming for me)


Getting By on 600k (w/ Rachel Sherman) - Bad With Money - After hearing so much about it I finally subscribed to Gaby Dunn’s Bad With Money podcast and had time to listen. I’ve been loving everything from the recent season so far (season 4?) I’m still behind on my pods though! Really enjoyed this episode about the mindset around money that very very rich people have. I’m so glad conversations like this are being had to remove a lot of the guilt around money but the openness makes it easier for people who don’t have as much money to learn about it and the structures in place that make our world a kind of fucked up place when it comes to wealth.

Rachel Cargle: Instagram, Activism and White Privilege - Ctrl Alt Delete - Emmon Gannon is such a great interviewer and loved this episode with Rachel Cargle. Found it really interesting how she was aware of and distinguished a difference between who she was talking to on instagram (white audience) and actually who she is aiming to serve in her work (black women). 

The Wild West of Podcasting and How to Sell to Advertisers - That Creative Life - can you tell I finally found time to listen to podcasts again?? (aka I wasn’t listening to an audio book!) Really loved this episode of Sara Dietschy’s podcast. Her guest Amanda McLoughlin is one of those people who I would just to talk to for hours. She has so much knowledge, insight and wisdom into the podcasting world and also the online YouTube community in general. 


Welcome to the Era of Branded Engagements - this feels old but I think it happened in June? This was being shared a bunch all over my timelines with everyone doing their #hottake. I’d like to say I was surprised by this and I don’t know if I’ve just become numb to influencers really taking advantage of the perks of the job and pushing them to the extreme but hey ho this is the world we live in now. Hard to tell from the article or her instagram posts if their pitch document was successful and they got some brand partnerships out of it but what a bold move. 

Your vagina is the easiest target for influencers to sell you self hate - this makes me so sad and angry! Capitalism + Patriarchy is such a depressing cocktail. More education and less shitty companies please!

New Sex Drug for Women to Improve Low Libido is Approved by the FDA - this is all about the USA so I don’t know if either of the drugs mentioned in the article have made it to the UK. It’s good to see treatment like this is being developed and approved for the market but still way behind viagra and there seems to be some annoying side effects - also you have to inject yourself??!

15 Rights LGBT People in the UK Still Don’t Have - well Pride month certainly had it’s ups and downs but as we move forward and official Pride celebrations are over that does not mean we stop talking about and fighting for LGBTQ+ rights. If any of the things in the article light a rage within you here’s a list of LGBT charities with specific focuses you can donate/volunteer/campaign for. And if you’re more of a video person, Rowan did a video version of this list and discussed them in more detail.



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