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 (porn reading at the bottom!)


How to Remember Your Life - Johnny Harris has made another great video about remembering your life through photos. Key step: delete photos. Love this as I’m always stressing about remembering things and wanting to have pictures to prove it but also I don’t need 50 photos of that one event!?

BookTube: A Discussion with Michelle Obama - Ariel got to meet Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama!!! This was a really lovely video and I just finished her book Becoming which I would highly recommend! Tbh I didn’t know anything about her life before the White House so it was really interesting to learn her backstory. 

The Stages of Relationships, Distributed - this may be my favourite thing I’ve seen, Dan showed it to me and I’ve put it under videos because it’s a moving info-graphic within an article and it’s so fascinating to watch! It shows different relationships from couples who met in the 1970s to couples who met in the 2010s and shows how fast they move from first meeting, being in a romantic relationship, living together then marriage. The differences between the generations is SO INTERESTING. Obviously towards the end there is speculation about the 2010s couples because they won’t have been together for more than 9 years at the moment. 


Contraceptive pill can be taken every day, NHS says in new guidance - this article is from January and I remember hearing about the controversy about the Catholic Church but didn’t really official guidelines had been changed. Currently, frantically revising parts of my book The Hormone Diaries, before it goes off to print in a couple weeks! Eek!

Orbiting, Another Thing For Online Daters to Worry About - why is dating so hard? This sounds equally fun and thrilling as it would be stressful and confusing!

Get Yourself a Nemesis - love this concept of having a private career nemesis to make you work harder, strive for more and hold yourself accountable.  

It’s True, The YouTube Bubble Limits Creators - saw some friends discussing this article, really interesting although I think there’s a bit of a difference between the US and the UK landscape. To be honest, sometimes I feel limited by the YouTube Bubble other times I feel empowered and supported. It’s a tricky one. I’ve had many many meetings about doing TV, always in conversation with different TV channels and production companies but nothing has come of it yet. And you’ve got examples like Troye Sivan who literally had to completely leave the platform in order to get his big break outside of it.


This month was lacking in podcasts because I listened to the audio book of Becoming so I was listening to that anytime I would normally be listening to podcasts. 

Porn block video research (date has been pushed back again!)

What is ‘porn’, according to MindGeek - Girl on the Net is fantastic!

Porn block: UK free porn website ban begins very soon - here’s how it works

UK Porn Block: How Will The New Laws Work?

Porn Laid Bare: BBC Three doc 

UK ‘porn ban’ to start in just a few weeks, and there’s still no plan to protect personal data

How do your porn habits compare with young people across Britain?

Britain’s porn watchers likely to be caught with their pants down by porn block

Pornography ‘desensitising young people’ - from 2016 after the NSPCC survey came out


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