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The video is an interview with an anti-FGM activist about FGM for context. 

Thumbnail 1:

Thumbnail 2:



ONE definitely seems more 'serious' (which might be appropriate given the topic) but also seems a lot more 'unfriendly'. Two looks like a much more pleasant experience is being had by everyone.


Thumbnail 2 but with the white lines from thumbnail 1 instead of the female symbols. Nothing against the symbol but it doesn't look as good in that style


i think the 2nd is better because you're both on screen, it's a bit weird to have a pic of you and then a screenshot of her looking at nothing lol


So torn, for reasons already given. Thumbnail (1) seems to imply that you’re at odds with the activist, so I’ve got to say (2).


Hmmm yeah not a major fan of either but..1 due to seriousness of topic


Feeling conflicted for the same reasons as everyone else. I voted 2 though.