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My 8th feature video in the series was inspired by getting at 9500/180MP during the previous summer for $75, including a Macintosh Color Display. The take apart led to some surprises as I attempted to get it working again.

The video featured Apple employee, Dave Garr's song from the period, "I think we're a Clone now", Elf Bowling memories and a terribly dated 1970's fitness video that got taped on my VCR one night in the 80's when David Letterman was postponed.

The 9500's reign saw the rise of the Clones, Windows 95, Spindler's fall from grace, Copland & CHRP, and yet, with all those challenges and failures, Apple still rose above it. The most interesting question that I try to find an answer for is, How? And also the question, 'Why would someone create a 10 second-long error alert'?


Christopher Yeo

A 180MP is rare these days. I managed to pick up a 9500/132 after a long search a couple of years ago. There is something about this box which just screams professional. It's by far not perfect, but with the knowledge of it's cost and affordability factors of the time it just feels special over even my 8500/150 I grew up with!


You summed-up the attraction of the 9500 perfectly. Good to hear you found one as well.