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Insidious Full

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Marissa Rodriguez

I was waiting for you all to recognize Adam but it’s ok 😂 I always got this franchise and conjuring confused because Patrick Wilson is in both I agree with a lot of people saying to watch sinister or the descent soon

Ash 💕

I love Patrick Wilson and while I did mildly like this film, I’m honestly not a big fan of the Insidious movies that I’ve seen. I think they’re kinda forgettable and nothing stands out from the pack to me…they’re too dependent on jump scares without being legitimately scary in my opinion. I loved the reaction though and I can’t wait for you guys to react to more horror. 💕🦋💕 It’s also great to see Blake jump on the horror bandwagon…well kinda jump on the bandwagon lol. I watched this reaction on YouTube so I saw the suggestion for horror franchise recommendations to jump into in the future. My suggestions are Hellraiser, The Omen, Candyman, Rec, and the Hannibal Lecter movies. I would recommend any or all of these. I’m a huge horror fan and one of the scariest film franchises I’ve seen is Hellraiser. Those movies are top tier in the psychological horror genre and they’re genuinely scary and unnerving. The Omen films are definitely worth a watch too. They’re scary. The Rec films are good too (first two are worth the watch) and keeps you on your toes. Because of the way they’re filmed, they feel very real and terrifying. Candyman is one of my favorites as well. I strongly recommend this franchise. Unique storyline and really interesting. The sequels are good especially the second one. The Hannibal Lecter films are all amazing. The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Red Dragon, and Hannibal Rising, are all really really dark. They’re a rollercoaster of chilling psychological terror. There’s Manhunter which is the first film introduction to Hannibal and came out before Silence of the Lambs but has a different Hannibal (Brian Cox portrays him in Michael Mann’s introduction to Hannibal on screen). Manhunter is a Michael Mann solo adaptation with an entirely different cast than the films I listed above. It is separate from the connected Hannibal films where Anthony Hopkins portrays Hannibal and Hannibal Rising. Manhunter is an earlier version of Red Dragon so some may see it as redundant watching both but they are, in my opinion, both great films because of the differences in performances due to different casts. So while they may be the same version of the book it’s based on…each version is interesting and worth a watch. Although, to me, Anthony Hopkins completely captures the character and IS Hannibal. Stellar performance.