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The Vampire Diaries 1x7 Reaction!! "Haunted"

Get EARLY ACCESS and FULL LENGTH REACTIONS exclusively on our Patreon!! ▶️ https://www.Patreon.com/raggedypack The Pack reacts to Season 1 Episode 7 of The Vampire Diaries: "Haunted" Come hang out with us in our free discord!! ▶️ https://discord.gg/HQFtGkCf37 Follow us on our socials!! ▶️ https://www.Twitter.com/raggedypack ▶️ https://www.Tiktok.com/@raggedypack ▶️ https://www.Instagram.com/raggedypack 0:00 Intro 2:23 Reaction 20:20 Outro #vampirediaries #tvd #reaction



@Alexis Season 4, dear, knowing how it went on season 4, why was Damon in the cimitery? Scaring Elena away, to go home, because Stefan was there too. 2+2=4. No he was home when Elena entered the first time in the Salvatore house, and he was forced to met her, would he met her if Stefan didn't inserted himself in her life? NO, season 4 evidence. Elena is into Stefan you know why too....season 5??? Damon didn't lurk around at all, he was forced to meet Elena , didn't insert in their relationship at all, if he wanted to insert himself in their relationship all he had to do was answering to her questions about Katherine, but he said "ask Stefan". Or all he had to do is showing Elena their pictures as young children, that would have been interesting for Elena to learn all of the sudden their age, did he? Why he metion that? That was direct to Stefan, laying to the girl about everything. Do you understand the difference between doing threats and acting upon it? Damon is teasing Stefan and reprocing him, all the time, but he doesn't act on his treats, why? Because Stefan is delusional, is too over dramatic, is self -righteous without the goods to back up his self righteousness, is manipulative and he is taking advantage of a traumatised girl, but his is brother and he doesn't want to harm him, but he as reasons to be pissed off with him, very good reasons!!. No, Damon would have been honest immediatelly, he compell Caroline to be calm, as Katherine did with Stefan, to be able to talk to her honestly, to tell her everything without secrets between them. He didn't compell her to stay with him, she liked that she got the other brother and bragged about with Elena. 2+2=4. Damon hate to lie, and there is a psycological specific reason why, season 7. He doesn't lie even if lying would be more convenient for him. NO, again that is BS Julie Pleg said in a twitt vey clerly that there was not SA with Caroline, vereubody interest in the truth can check it out, certaily not te people tat have no interest in what is true, because doesn't serve their bias. Why are you so bent on lying? That is why you like Stefan the lair so much. You didn't understand one single thing about TVD, the characters, their psycology, their motivations, why they act in a certain way. How old are you? I guess pretty young. You don't have the skills to read people correctly, to put things together logically, to understand people psycology. Do you think that Elena would have chosen to stay with Stefan if she knew who he was, from the very beginnig? If she knew about Katherine and how she look like? Did Stefan gave Elena this choice? Or he seduced her with lies and deceptions, having stalked her for 4 months to get to know staff about her life? Snooping around her private life...really? Step by step that is the lame excuse you came out to justify how creepy Stefan is in season one? OH so you know why he is like this? Season 5... why he is going around like this, like he doesn't care about anybody and anything? How that is connected with this bizarre statement " He is just a jealous, insecure man child"?? You haven't understood why he is going around like that and who Damon is at all. So 99% of the world population love an abuser insecure man child?? That is hilarious. There is a picture going around right now, with Ian and a girl, that has on her shirt a say " man should apologise for not being Damon Salvatore" and Ian point it out at it proudly. Please...stop saying BS. We you know the entire story, everything justify his behavious, and explain things about him and Stefan, to you, perhaps doesn't say anything, you don't know how to connect things and are driven only by character hatred for some weird reasons, not the rest of the world. Stefan didn't know anything about Katherine and Damon and was a victime of her and Damon???? Episode 6, I am quoting Stefan talking to Elena in the woods: "I didn't care that I have gotten something that my brother wanted, I didn't even care if it hurt him, I only knew that I wanted her". He inserted himself in Damon and Katherine relantionship, because Damon was already sleeping with her secretly, and when Damon learned his brother was sleeping with her too, he let him, because he was sure that him and Katherine were the real thing, or at least that is what Katherine let him believe. It is Stefan that kept Katherine picture in his bedroom, not Damon. It is Stefan that stalked Elena because she looked like Katherine, not Damon. Damon didn't stalked her in her bedroom, he went there because he liked her, after the kitchen conversation, he had he had pity on her, on her story and because they ....season 4!!!!!! In that scene he is tender with her, because of... you know....season 4!!!!! Why knowing things you twist things to make them appear bad when you know exactly that that is NOT the case, but is the opposite. No, he is not jelous of his brother at all, he let him sleep with Katherine, knowing they were spleeping together, did say anything, didn't show any jelousy. Katherine didn't love Stefan, that is not love. She just pursue him because we resisted her as vampire, but pubblically she was going around in town with Damon, the first born, the older brother, not Stefan. Damon never hurted Stefan, quite the opposite since chidhood, Season 7????...Stefan on the contrary....you know what he did! He didn't cared about the peope of the town you know why he didn't care, Vicky was pathetic and Damon in his state of being uncaring, he did what he did, that was wrong, but .....Damon never not admit when he makes mistakes, Stefan on the contrary never admits it, ever, that is why season 8. Damon is trying to warn Elena that Stefan is like him, that was the image in her bedroom. It has everything to do with Stefan, the eterinty of misery, has nothing to do with jelousy, as usual you haven't understood that scene at all. Damon knew Stefan was sleeping with Katherine and he never show jelousy. 2+2 again is 4 not 22, why Damon tell that sentence to Stefan? There is a reason why that is not what it appear, but if you aren't capable to go deeper and stay on the litteral word that are spoken and don't connect things, if you keep having a shallow view on the things that are going on, nothing will make any sense, an your barin wil have to be selectve in what you remeber to sustain your bias view. Instead if you read tngs corretly everything make sense every details and everything connect prefectly. Why Damon would let Stefan sleep with Katherine, saying nothing and be fine with it and be jelous a second later? Because he was never jelous in the first place, he did something else entirely that is actualy very "older brother" protective, that you being shallow did catch. You introduce yourself to people step by step, don't start a realationship before going step by step full knowledge of who you are, who is Katherine, what you did when you became vampire, that is season 2 and he is still witholding things from Elena that don't make him look good....really? No he started a relationship with her before, he seduced her to secure her love, before she could have a choice to say NO! She is also in vulnerable state having loose her parents in the most traumatic way, Stefan is using her trauma to gain something for himself....that sounds familiar? Humm season 3? Nothing? No, again, this has everything to do with the reactors, you are not sharing your thoughts on the episode you are determined to stear them in the wrong direction, to manipulate the narrative, to feed your egotistic bias, not caring what people that knows the show inside out, will think when they under your pushing get totally out of track in what they see. They are already not particularly good at paying attention to details, and to body language, that is fondamental in this show, because here nothing is like it seem, NOTHING!! And if you follow what it seens, you will get people leave, and them being branded as bad TVD reactors. The show is very complex, they need people that help them to understand the complexity, to point out what they missed, to make them undrstand how things are working. not people that told them "yeah Damon is the worse....Damon bad.yeah so bad.. Stefan is a saint...." That is not TVD, TVD is not that shallow. One of the aim of the show is to teach young people not to be judgemental before knowing all the facts, the motivations of why peoeple do things and act in a particular way, because life is complicated, and nothing is black and white, and you are telling them exactly the opposite, you haven't learn anything from TVD, nothing, zero, zilt. I have talk to you way too much and you are not bringing anything of interest to the convesation but your pointless and silly, character hatred and your very shallow, very child like view on things. So please don't write under my comments again. Thank you.

Andrea Dcosta

When is the next TVD reaction I can't wait! And aren't we getting 2 eps per week 🥺


Yea I thought we would get two eps a week this month but I'm not sure now because they are reacting to the new season of the boys and house of the dragon. So I'm guessing we might not get 2 eps a week until July or early August but I hope I'm wrong.