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Saw 6 Full

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One of my favorite saw movies, little biased here cause I work in healthcare 😅. “Torture isn’t covered” had me dying lol.


Loved that you guys loved this! OK I know how feel bro about the innocent ones, but consider this, that was what Mr. Insurance was doing the whole time, making the decisions on innocent people living or dying, and that's what this game was about, Jigsaw made this man see what his decisions to let people live or die look like up close & very personal. It's funny too, you can tell this is Jigsaws most ruthless game for that reason, he was gonna make sure this man saw what letting people die REALLY loom like. I feel like the steam lady would've been a fantastic main protagonist, she was a beast about it, and truth be told if she had another minute, she would've killed him lol